
Postcard Direct Mail Marketing Tips and Ideas

The postcards are available, perhaps the least expensive way, a large number of people with your advertising message. Although they have their drawbacks, they are cheap to gain new customers. But only if you follow a few simple rules, professional direct mail copywriters follow.

Attracting their attention on Side A

A page is the page with a picture on it. A beauty of a postcard, direct mail, your potential customers do not have the sameto open. There in the morning mail is your advertising message seen by all. So make sure you put something on the page in which arrests the attention of your prospect. Here are some ideas:

1. a photo crazy

2. a photo of the product in a unique

3. a claim outrageous (but true)

4. Your unique selling promise in an intelligent and interesting, he explained

5. Their perspective, the problem (the one that solves your product or service) explained or presented in a convincingVia

The only goal of the A-side is the attention and the interest stopped. OK, so that the two objectives. You have to motivate your prospect to turn around your postcard to the side to read. So make sure an arrest of lateral and interesting, but do not tell your whole story.

Sell them on the B side

Side B is the one with the address and postage stamp. Here you can define lust and subject your readers to action. You do not have much real estate on which gives the sales pitch,strengthen Stick to your advantage. Describe in clear and convincing, that the reader gets to purchase the product or service. Not enough space here to say enough is to make a sale, so that only sell the next step.

Ask for the next step, not the order

The next step in these days is to visit often for the prospect to your website. This is a good use for the direct mail postcard marketing: take our potential customers a special page on your website (called a landing page)where you give the dog and pony show together and give prospects a convenient way to part with their money, if I may say so.

The next step is for the reader to call you, or to visit your company. Both use the direct-response postcards. Thus ensuring they say good enough, strong enough and in a way, this side of the board of a potential buyer to pick up the receiver and begin to motivate your head. This brings us to your offer.

Make your bidirresistible

All messages must be offered. The offer is what will motivate you dangle in front of prospects, the next step to take their business. What sells and what is your offer, they are two different things. For example, using direct mail to promote the credit card banks. This is what they sell. But you see now are acting to extend an initial interest rate and temporary only 2.5% (with some conditionsof course!). This is their offer. Your bid is to overcome inertia. And so it should be. Make sure your card with a strong offer. provides for more efficient information processing, please read the many articles I have written on this subject found on my site.
